Why are we feeling so “blah” after Christmas

Psychologists call the feeling of blah “low mood” and “languishing”. is not a cause for low mood. Languishing is a state of long-term low mood, aimlessness and emptiness that can last for several weeks or even months. It can lead to depression if not addressed.

Goals are one reason why people feel that way. Humans have a need to set goals and strive towards them. The pursuit of a goal can keep excited, motivated and happyHaving Goals can also enhance Positive Emotions such as enthusiasm, excitement or pride. This is why Christmas preparations can be exciting.

All these activities are aimed at achieving the goal of a great Christmas. When goals are reached, people feel flat.

Create a new goal. A further goal in January or for the New Year can be a great motivator to improve your health. Setting goals will not be enough to get rid of the negative feelings. It is important to take care of your body.

Healthy body is…

You may also feel blah following Christmas due to the effect your body has on your mind. Over the holiday season, most people gain about one pound (0.45kg). It can be hard to lose the weight you’ve gained.

Overeating can also lead to a bad mood. Research shows that regularly weighing yourself and intermittent fasting will help you control your weight and avoid unnecessary pounds piling up.

Overeating may lead to a low mood. Anna81/Shutterstock

After Christmas, people can experience a weight gain. The people change their habits: they sleep more , or drink more. The average amount they drink is double what they normally drink. Sleeping patterns also tend to change. On average, people sleep 5% more than they normally do. All of these changes may affect your mood.

It is important to create a healthier routine after Christmas in order to feel better. Switching to a plant based diet, for example, has been shown to improve cognitive function and energy levels. The effect of a plant-based diet is to reduce inflammation. It’s more pronounced and longer lasting than a traditional diet. It can improve mood and banish that blah feeling.

Weekend effect

Feeling blue on Monday can be due to “the weekend effect” or the “blue monday phenomenon”. The weekend is a time when people’s moods are higher due to a greater sense of autonomy (controlling their activities) and a stronger connection with others. The mood immediately drops after the weekend. Some people experience a similar feeling at the end of Christmas, particularly those who have to return to work soon after. It may be that the thought of Christmas over and going back to your old routine can make you feel blah.

You can think of the future more optimistically and with hope instead of worrying or feeling dread. This exercise involves imagining yourself in the future, with everything going as you want it to. It results in a rapid increase in positive feelings. This has been shown to result in fewer visits by patients five months after the intervention.

You can use this “best-possible self” exercise after Christmas. Write down for 10 minutes everything you can about your ideal self. Imagine you are in great health. You’ve taken excellent care of both your body and your mind. You have been working hard to achieve your health goals. Write down what you’ve done, the obstacles you overcame, your method, and the result.

It doesn’t matter what the reason is for your feeling aimless and depressed. What matters is that you acknowledge it. You can only take action after you recognize the feeling. You can do this by increasing your physical activity, exercising regularly, eating healthy food, making plans, or just sitting and observing how you feel. Many others also feel the same. Remember, wellbeing is not a destination, but a journey. Tomorrow is another morning.

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